Water Utility Big Data Software and Consulting

Water utilities’ 25 years of monitoring data offers a baseline to monitor the impacts of water loss and climate change.

And that’s why the foundation of our service is organising this evidence-base, to help you answer key questions about your assets. 

Using all system and weather data for decision-making ensures best outcomes for your project and your community. 

We offer a consulting service to do this, with our software SensorClean doing the heavy lifting.

Our NRW Software and Consulting Service can help you:

  • Automate more of your NRW workflow

  • Set baselines and quantify leakage in your DMAs

  • Compare DMA lost revenue to prioritise maintenance efficiently

  • Quantify hydrant water theft

  • Identify sensor issues; and

  • Quantify pipe failure events.

Demand Forecasting and Data Cleaning

We’ve also helped utilities leverage their big data for demand forecasting purposes. Our service can help you:

  • Quickly clean and visualise significant amounts of water data

  • Quickly set up water balances for many subsystems and compare

  • Quantify peak hours, days, weeks etc. in subsystems

  • Identify subsystems at risk of non-compliance for extreme events

  • Save on capital by using data mining for capacity assessments

  • See the spatial variability of peak demand events in subsystems

  • Compare sensor data quality to increase sensor ROI; and

  • Share a one source of truth cleaned data set.

Our Sewer Pump Station Consulting Service can help you:

  • Compare dry weather performance for many SPS’s to economically prioritise upgrades

  • Compare wet weather performance for many SPS’s to economically prioritise inflow and infiltration (I&I) work; and

  • Compare data quality to increase sensor ROI. 

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