Data Mining Consulting and Software Service

We offer water network SCADA data mining for the following use cases:

  1. Non-Revenue Water - District Metered Area (DMA) analytics with up to 5 years of data

  2. Demand Forecasting - Subzone analytics with up to 20 years of data

  3. Comprehensive Analytics (Both 1 & 2)

We provide a free comparison of Subszones/DMAs when purchasing data mining for three or more.

Our service provides peace of mind regarding the analytics of a water network. To receive a quote, please contact us with use case preference and the number of Subzones/DMA’s for mining.

Our Non-Revenue Water service helps utilities:

  • Improve the ROI when prioritizing maintenance to reduce water loss

  • Set baselines to monitor leakage

  • Quantify the financial impact of hydrant water theft

  • Quantify pipe failure events for simplified reporting

  • Quantify large customer events for redundancy when smart meters fail; and

  • Identify sensor issues to reduce sensor downtime.

Our Demand Forecasting service helps utilities:

  • Get subzone demand profiles for maintenance, heat waves, holidays etc.

  • Compare subzones for efficiency, peak flows etc.

  • Model bush fire scenarios using quantified hydrant fire flows

  • Get Unaccounted-for water metrics for hydraulic modelling

  • See and compare monthly water year consumption; and

  • Fill gaps for flow meter data issues.

 Contact us