Data Mining for Hydrant Flows

In collaboration with our utility clients, we developed an algorithm that finds and quantifies hydrant flows from existing SCADA data.

This breakthrough reduces the cost of understanding and addressing hydrant water theft. It also means that real firefighting events can be quantified for strategic planning etc.

Reducing water loss economically

To reduce water loss economically, the pieces of the non-revenue water (NRW) puzzle must be quantified.

This includes quantifying events for background leakage, pipe failures and hydrant NRW.

By quantifying water theft (and background leakage), our clients can maximize the benefit to cost ratio, when prioritizing maintenance resources to reduce water loss.

Empowering utilities by quantifying events

SensorClean's hydrant algorithm mines utility SCADA data to:

  • Identify hydrant flows

  • Quantify the extracted volume; and

  • Calculate the associated cost using the utility's hydrant permit rate ($/kL).

Using APIs, the utility’s paid-hydrant dollars can be linked to determine which hydrant flows in a DMA are theft.

What are some strategies for reducing hydrant water theft?

Hydrant water theft occurs from the following Scenarios:

  1. more water is extracted than was paid for; and

  2. water is extracted without a permit.

In the case of Scenario 1, this may be reduced with enhanced communication at the point of sale.

For example, utility staff could ask the customer key questions about their proposed water extraction.

This data can be matched with hydrant activity via APIs to ensure correct hydrant permit protocols.

A follow up phone call to the customer would occur if the story of the data does not match the permit volume.

Improved communication of the utility’s ‘new hydrant monitoring system’ may deter overextraction.

If hydrant activity is found but there is no API match (Scenario 2), staff can visit the DMA to investigate.

SensorClean found that for some DMAs, hydrant activity was only occurring on weekdays suggesting the issue was likely linked to construction sites. It is known that large development often requires significant water during construction.

Why is water extracted from hydrants?

The reasons for hydrant extraction are water truck usage, construction needs, firefighting, filling rural property dams, swimming pool filling, pipeline flushing after shutdowns, and watering parks and green spaces.

It is important to note that some of these activities generate revenue, while others fall under the non-revenue category. Quantifying all events allows for data driven decision-making.

Other benefits of quantifying hydrant flows

Quantifying hydrant fire flows aids in firefighting planning, providing data for hydraulic models to understand system implications during emergencies.

This information ensures:

  1. adequate water supply for firefighting

  2. mitigating pressure non-compliance risks on peak days and

  3. enabling the development of strategic guidelines for efficient hydrant use during critical situations.


SensorClean’s hydrant algorithm offers a cost-effective solution to monitoring hydrant water theft etc.

Quantifying NRW events allows for economic prioritisation of resources, to reduce water loss.

Please contact us for more information.


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